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Meet The Team


Malcolm Whye


1-on-1  Mindset & Personal Development Coach



Malcolm Whye has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and go-getter attitude that pushes him to dream bigger. His relentless drive has allowed him to thrive as a Division I football player, salesman, business owner and visionary. When Malcolm Whye founded MOAH, he had a vision to help other like-minded individuals find success and happiness by teaching people how to reframe their thinking to achieve their goals.

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Miroslava Rangel

Chief Operating Officer

Miroslava Rangel (aka "Slav") Miroslava has always been passionate about the power of manifestation and creating anything in life through the right mindset, network, and tools. Prior to joining Mindset of a Hustler she was an adaptive exercise specialist for people living with paralysis and is recently involved in the growth and development of a medical device company. Her life mission is to inspire, motivate, and empower others through her own actions, lessons, and experiences. 

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